Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pol Acena - Zero Gravity Shredit

Barcelona shredder Pol Acena has been on the injured list for some time, and this is his first edit since being back on his scooter. While he says he's not 100% yet, he is starting to feel it again. Check out his statement below regarding him leaving Zero Gravity, and his latest edit below that.

"This will be my last edit for ZG. It's a bunch of chill clips filmed this past two weeks. I'm very gratefull to ZG. They have done a lot of things for me, but I felt that it was time to make my own way. I don't have enough words to describe how please I am.

Some of you will know that I destroyed and had surgery on my knee last year, and I hadn't been able to ride, so I'm riding again, not in my 100% but I'm starting to feel comfortable on my scooter.

I hope you like it, and expect more edits like this one this year.

I wanna thank all the filmers and Todd Scheffer for having me like his son for almost two years!" - Pol Acena

1 comment:

  1. We here at ZG are stokef for Pol's new adventure. We just love building up riders to succeed in the scooter scene. If you are a rider that thinks you have the riding ability to make it as a factory team rider but don't have the experience of sponsorship, we would love to help you get there. Send us a resume and vid.

    Todd Scheffer


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