Thursday, April 5, 2012

Envy- Chillin in Socal

Jake Clark took a trip down to Southern California to ride with fellow Envy riders Michael Knudson and Vincent Kudrna, and this is the result.  Jake doesn't appear to be slowing down, if you remember his Welcome to Envy edit he came out going pretty damn hard.  Vince also does some wild tricks, I don't know how these guys can keep track of it all.  I know I can't haha.


  1. Remember when Jake Clark got so much shit when he first started riding? He has really grown into his own, I really enjoy watching him ride.

  2. Why would you go to so-cal to ride a skatepark?

  3. SoCal yes. But chillin? Nope.

  4. Are you guys sure we all... ride scooters?


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