Saturday, February 25, 2012

Woodward West Scooter Camp 2012 Montage

Here's a video from the recent scooter camp at Woodward.  Features Dan Barrett, Jon Zegarra, Devin Pelphrey, Angel Lefranc as well as Josh Toy, who put together the video.  I don't know if i will ever understand heelless noseblunt slides, thats so crazy.


  1. the whole entire woodward park and they make a 2 minute long vid of a box next to a bench.... niceeeee

  2. So what?! Not everyone wants to be an MGP fanboy, hitting flyout, box jumps and quarters all day.

  3. yay lets fly to california to ride a grind box -________-

  4. why would you go to woodward to ride a box....

  5. calm your clits little boys im sure there is going to be more footage of this jesus chill out this was great riding so shut up


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