Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Zach Johnston Lucky Video

Zach was put on Lucky's am team earlier this year.  The above video features footage he's been getting since the summer.  Blake Bailor said this video "was excellent," so you know it's good.


  1. I know this is random but when will the Blunt AOS v2 street come out

  2. inside scooters- a place where you can watch videos of the midwest scooter scene, mostly jordan's friends, a couple of OGs, and rarely a good video.

  3. Also a place where you can comment anonymously. You're so cool bro.

  4. Hey kid, steven also posts videos and i assume you love park or else you would apreciate all the things jordan posts, so just watch whats steven posts. and jordan posts every good video out there, witch just so happens many of them are from the midwest.

  5. Inside scooters: a place where little scooter children are encouraged to grow up and develop their own styles, to limit the excessive number of gay park videos this sport has

  6. the line with the 180 whip and the front board was dope.

  7. the reason they don't post good videos is because you guys bitch to much about not having good videos instead of being out there making your own

  8. Your idea of a good video is probably a flyout bri combo filled mess. It's Jordan's blog, he posts what he wants, and it's mostly all good, original videos, like this.

  9. This video was good, i'd much rather watch this than watch someone do just backflips and flairs. Street>park. Good job Zach

  10. That's one of the best scooter edits i've ever seen. awesome style


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!