Monday, January 3, 2011

Woodward West Update! Staff Announced!

Next month from Feb 18th-21st will be the second time Woodward West will be hosting a Scooter Camp. If you were lucky enough to attend last years Scooter Camp you know how amazing this opportunity is. You can check out Woodward West and learn all about it, and see some awesome pictures of the facility by clicking the link below.
Woodward West

Now one of the things that has the community buzzing, is the counselors and staff that will be working at Woodward West this year. These are the riders that are going to be helping all of you guys progress with your riding, and learn new tricks. So far this year the line up includes the following riders.

(Riders will be at Woodward as soon as they pass all inspections held by Woodward West)
Terry Price - MADD UK
Tyler Bonner - MADD USA
Matt McKeen - Addict
Zig Short - Inward-Scooters
Brandon Kilbury - PROTO
Ricky Wernicke - Razor
Jason Beggs - Razor
Brian Murphy - PROTO
Julio Oceguera - Phoenix + Scooter Zone
Cody Speake - Scooter Zone
Nick Donatelli - Lucky Scooter Parts
Alex Steadman - PROTO
Addison McNaughton - Razor
Gary Ably - Phoenix
KC Corning - TSI
John Radtke - Razor
Josh Toy - Razor
Anthony "Twan" Bustos - MADD USA
Raymond Warner - Scooter Zone
Sean Cardwell
Kody McQueen

Jake Hershey- Spoild Bratt

If you can't already tell this is an All Star line up of riders from some of the best companies in the sport today. So if you haven't already registered for Camp, I would hurry up and do so. You can find the Registration link below! OR Click the Woodward West Camp Flyer located on the right side along with the other Company Logos!


  1. i want to go but its soooo expensive

  2. yea i would agree too its too much for just 4 days. I rather buy a brand new complete with custom parts rather than Woodward.

  3. Oh and it's Sean Cardwell, and he is on TSI.

  4. ricky doesn't even ride hahaha wow

  5. Sean not shawn cardwell

  6. *Sean Cardwell- TSI*


  7. Sean Cardwell's name is mispelled haha. So is Raymond Warner no longer on Madd USA?

  8. is it for experts or beginners too

  9. r they gonna allow scooters at woodward east anytime soon?

  10. hahah what the hell? How did I end up on this list

  11. im so going stoked on this we got some legit people- Jake Clark

  12. I'm pretty sure I single-handedly made Ricky go, and I'm so glad I told him about it hahaha.

  13. guys this is so worth the trip and money, you get to ride one of the best parks of all and shred with the pros, not to mention for all of the west coast riders you get to shred the foam pit/resi, sooo worth it, trust!

  14. yeah when are they gonna start doing this at Woodward Pennsylvania? id definitely go if i didn't have to fly to get there. and also are they gonna make it part of their regular summer camp anytime soon?

  15. im so jealous of you americans, that would be so amazing

  16. Jesus titty fucking christ someone better film the fuck out of those 4 days.


  18. Dan barrett wants to be staff but they said it was full. I know murphy isn't going to make it. Could he take his place?

  19. Keep in mind, folkes. Not every single pro will be a staff member for sure. It's basically just showing the people of interest. The number of staff all depends on how many riders actually sign up for the scooter camp. We can get everyone on this list if there is I believe 100 or 200 more riders than there was last year. Otherwise, the list may be cut in half.

  20. if the aussies can go ill be deff seeing you all there . love from the land down under:)

  21. What is considered beginner?

  22. is ryan williams going??


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!