Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Skatebarn New Years Lock In Video

Skatebarn is known for doing "Lock Ins" They recently had one on New Years, where James Flores (Filmer of this video) had his camera and got a nice edit together.

I really like the NW riders, they're all super chill and great up and coming riders. One of my favorite parts of this video is Nolan Sorensen. We never got to see much footage of Nolan, but I remember him from wayy back on SR in the older days. He has some flat clips in this video, and he's just so smooth. Aside from Nolan there are a lot of younger up and coming shredders from the NW. You can also see Nate Wagoner of Inward-Scooters killing it in this video. Check it out below.

Thanks to James Flores for sending me the video.


  1. this is really cool.its sad that you dont find parks like that where i live and even if you did scooters aren't alowed there Q__Q

  2. i hate seeing sbw vidoes where a majority of it is the flybox, i mean yeah it's nice, but that park is amazing and has alot of other things that look much nicer and stylier (word?) in videos


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