Sunday, October 10, 2010

Razor Exposed Tour Stop #4: Skatebarn West Results

Today was the last stop of the Exposed tour, and the Kings of the tour were crowned. Everyone killed it, throwing bangers left and right, which you'll be able to see in a few days when I put out the footy I got of the comp. I'm totally blanking on who got 3rd in Am and places in beginner so if you know just leave a comment, thanks.

1st- Tyler Bonner
2nd- Dakota Schuetz
3rd- Mike Montgomery

1st- Brian Gemme
2nd- Casey Thorn
3rd- Brayden Campbell

1st-Josiah Campbell

Best Trick: Mike Montgomery (truckdriver the K2 box backwards)

Overall Points Winners:

Pro: Tyler Bonner

Am: Corey Funk

Beginner: Kevin Barker

Once again, keep checking back for footage and a written review of the comp by Steven.


  1. Truck Driver bar spin is not better than a double backflip in best trick. Judges must not realize how retarded everyone watching thinks they are. Its time for real judges.

  2. No suprise no one knows the begginer result! Comp after the beginner division was SICK. The top riders of this sport keep pushing the limits!
    Beginner Division was a shit show! 5 groups of 11 riders (3 minute heat) They paid $40 just like everyone else. Because of numbers and the late start they organizers turned the beginners into a fundraiser. Much respect to the judges cause it was unfair to them as well. How can anyone judge 11 kids at the same time? Just hated to see the future (beggining riders) get pushed aside.

  3. To the 2 anonymous post above, if you are going to disrespect someone then please leave your name.

    To be honest, picking a few riders out of each heat of 11 isnt too hard. Since there was over 50 beginners, if each kid got two 1 minutes runs, it would at least be 2 hours of beginner runs. Look at every big skateboard or BMX competition. You dont even get a chance to compete until you are at least AM. Plus out of the many kids that enter only 10 get picked to actually compete, and Im pretty sure they at least have to pay a little something to qualify.

    At SD4 there were over 50 people who entered pro. The same situation happened even to the top riders of the sport. Yes it isnt fair but thats just how things have to work sometimes for a competition to run smoothly.

    and as far as best trick, double flip tuck no hander was done over 3 years ago by terry price. Best trick is all about pushing the limits to something no one has ever seen before. If you ever see the 10 foot box at skatebarn with a mellow landing and steep takeoff, you will realize how massive it is. Plus only a handful of riders will even touch it going backwards, with only a few out of that tricking it with barspins or simple tricks. Mike went ahead and pushed the limits of the sport, doing a perfect truckdriver over it backwards into tranny. Which was amazing if you were there to see it in person.

  4. Basically what Nick said. I'm not even going to explain or defend the decisions that all the judges, including myself made for this contest. You don't have to agree with what decisions we came to as judges. But don't speak about judging or progression or what tricks are better than what tricks, when you clearly don't even know yourself.

  5. Oh and the complete Recap Article for the Exposed Tour Finale/CooterCon 10 will be posted tomorrow.

  6. haha of course my name is spelled wrong

  7. One kid in beginner Front Bri Flipped the K2 box. I never knew that was a beginner trick. I think he should have gotten bumped up.

  8. I think that was a good start to future scooter competition series. I think we do need a series that will focus more on the Pros and AMs of the sport and i think that will push riders to go even harder and push beginners out there to want to progress to the next level... Oh and Dave brought up a good point at the end of the comp. He said something about challenging us on all different terrain wood, cement, indoor, outdoor, but no street... We seriously need a street league hahaha

  9. i was at the event and it was an excellent event. Judges did a great job. There were alot of beginner parent complants and that is because they had 3 comps previous and did it one way and then on the 4th switched it. Lots of comps do heats for example cootercon but only run 5 riders at a time. As owner of NW SCOOT (14U Scooter Club) we had a large portion of our guys in that division and the only issue was the expectations from previous exposed competitions. Kim and Dave do a great job and take alot of heat but lets be thankful they do it. Steven thank you for your commitment to judging despite the constant noise. This is the first year and it will only get better.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!