Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dan Holm District Sponsor

District Sponsor Video from Dan Holm on Vimeo.

Wow. Such a park killer, goes huge and has the tech skills as well. A few of the clips seem a little lackluster (like feeble 360 out on that flat ledge) but I think the vert riding makes up for it. Good luck Dan.


  1. I wasn't planning on putting the feeble to 360 in the video, but I didn't have enough clips to finish the song.

  2. awesome video....huge airs and 360s =D

  3. Dude do the thing on vimeo so we can watch it on phones and iPods i can't see it

  4. dannnngggg that was sick! he goes so huge

  5. ripped that box
    nice vid
    good luck with district

  6. he should definetly get it he has a unique style and has some sick airs and vert skills. it definetly sets his video apart from most others its a nice change

  7. Dan knows how I feel about this video. haha.

  8. Dammmnn. he deserves the sponsorship, huge airs combined with great tech and a sick style.

  9. FUCK he goes big, 3 combos on box where nuts and that heeldownside on the vert :o

  10. ehhhhhh.. nose mannys outta quarters then back in was nuts. box jump shit was sooooo gnar. vert ramp stuff was dope. but idk there were some super lame tricks in there i thought. good luck tho man

  11. not that big of a fan of the style or knee pads but yeah.. the airs werent bad at all brothaa

  12. You have to wear knee pads if you have shorts at Rye -Devlyn Martin

  13. cant beleive he heelwhips naturally! <3


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