Sunday, May 3, 2009

Couple Videos

Its been a pretty slow weekend for scooter news, so here's a couple vids from this week.

David Ross Mini Video 1 from David Ross on Vimeo.

TePi - Minivid 4 from TePi on Vimeo.

Coming soon is the first of 9 Proto interviews. We will be starting with Anthony "Twan" Bustos, so watch out for that.


  1. David's was really good

  2. TePi's was sick too i think it deserves way more respect than its getting

  3. both are sick as hell but i think that TePi's played with editing a little too much.

  4. Both amazing vits. Love TePi's tiretap nohands they looked guut.

    David's was full of brilliant tricks, he can spin and whip/bar in such a smooth way it's good to see.

  5. I realllyy love Davids video..soo good.


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