Thursday, May 10, 2012 Sacrifice Deck Review

Sacrifice has been making a name for themselves in the USA ever since they picked up Hunter Bechtle who has been on a non stop rise since joining up with the company. I would like to think some of the reason behind this, is because of the Sacrifice Vader Deck. Well ShopECX recently got them in, and Mike did an in depth review of the deck. Check it out below.


  1. that nut capture thing for the back axle is awesome

  2. Hell yeah I saw that and was so impressed. It's one of the reasons I love the TSI Tomcat forks so much. Bolt screws right into the forks.

  3. honestly, it looks like a great deck. Even though the cut-outs on the top look cool they only screw up the grip tape and little bits and pieces of tape will hang or rip off. Other than that it looks fantastic!

  4. hell yea sacci for life nukka and yes i desighned some of that :)

  5. is this deck recommended so is this preferred because im going to gert this


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