Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Transit Scooter Tour 2: Day One Random Footy + Interview Exclusive

So during the duration of Transit I filmed a bit each day, talking about what we were doing at the moment or just filming random stuff. Here's the goings-on of the first day, also check out an exclusive look at the first interviews. Remember to keep checking back on Inside Scooters for more TST exclusives.


  1. am i the only one that was bored whilst watching this?

  2. breaking ramps everywhere eh dibble? ahah
    so stoked for this dvd

    - cade

  3. Hey, Just wondering if jordan is signed with pheonix ?

  4. What's with the shitty filming?!

  5. i hate matt dibble/out of date sidecuts

  6. LOL! I have enemies, prime.

    If you hate my haircut you're really gonna hate it when I'm bald!

  7. you tripping little bitch


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