Sunday, July 26, 2009

Aaron Bransdon and a DSA Team?


Aaron “The Aaronmadillo” Bransdon has been respected as a rider, and a person in our sport for some years now.  The 17 year-old, coming out of Penrith, Australia has built a reputation on being one of the most creative riders out there, especially since most Aussies have a typical, defined style.  Aaron’s picture taking ability, as well as being an admin on Scooter Resource, has gained him more respect from not only the sport’s riders, but from industry people as well.  That respect has paid off, as Aaron recently got a position on the new Dominator Scooter Accessories Australian team.  I talked to Aaron (who also happens to be our Australian correspondent) to find out more about his position, and the DSA team.

Intro and interview by Jordan Jasa.

Jordan Jasa:  So what exactly is your position on DSA..?   You are a team rider as well as the manager, correct?

Aaron Bransdon:  I'm on the team as a rider; and i'll be Managing the Australian side of the Team. We're also looking at myself becoming the master distributor for DSA parts in Australia.

So it would be like how C4 is the main Eaglesport distributor in the US?  Only you’re distributing DSA parts in Australia.

Exactly; I'll more than likely be running a small, online order shop, but also distributing parts to retailers who want to stock DSA product. I've already had offers from 2 shops that are interested.

Nice.  How did you first come into contact with DSA?

I was actually reading an article written by Steven Tongson on Inside Scooters, about the new company; While reading i spotted the words; "Looking to open an international team in the near future", from there i talked to Steven about the probability of myself having a chance at all, he said, "Anything is worth a shot" so i sent an email, and ran through the basic sponsorship process, like most would. This was at the time of XW, and Dave (The owner of DSA) was at the competition exhibiting his wares. I got an email back, and we started to communicate through these, eventually, he called me on the phone to offer me the opportunity of sponsorship, and the job as team manager, and if i chose, Master Distributor.


Have you chosen anyone else for the team yet?

I've chosen a select few names, as Dave wants to keep the international team members to a minimum of 3 from each Country that holds his parts. He'll get back to me when he has made his decision on who he wants to represent his company to the best of their ability, my job was simply to narrow it down to a group of Role-models, and ultimately, riders with the right spirit, not just talent.

What are your goals for DSA Australia (if I can call it that)?

My simple goal for the Australian sector of DSA is for it to gain a name not too dissimilar to that of Inward and Eagle. These two companies are setting the benchmark, and i believe every company should be aiming to attain the same recognition as these companies are getting. I believe the parts DSA has to offer can certainly bring about a rather positive reputation, with the aid of the team, spread throughout America, Australia and Europe combined with a general efficiency, quality and legitimacy that Dave certainly provides this company with.

That'll do it, anything else you'd like to say?

Keep a watchful eye on Dominator Scooter Accessories, it's going to go places.

Thank you for your time Jordan and Inside scooters.

No problem, we're glad to be working with DSA and can't wait to see what the future has in store for you guys.


  1. what type of bars do you use and how how and how wide?

  2. what type of bars do you use how high and how wide?


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