Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kirk Svensson- Satori

Kirk is the guy behind the Satori clothing company.  Edits the videos, designs the clothes, pretty much responsible for it all.  In addition to all that he also finds the time to ride scooters, which he does pretty well.  You're not even ready for that indian giver.


  1. kirk, you're fucking killing it.

  2. sheep will never like indians because the indians hunt and kill them.

  3. that indian giver is going to be the most controversial thing in awhile

  4. The only reason indian givers are bad because people do it on accident. If you do it on purpose then i see no problem with them.

  5. i thought that indian giver was actually kind of cool

  6. why is everyone so focused on the indian giver and not that fact that this guy started a clothing company.. kirk.. i have wanted to ride for satori since i saw the first edit. the street riding. the "spooky" vib satori gives off. i have not gotten a chance to approach you to talk to you about it but i hope i get the chance!


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