Monday, December 24, 2012

Ryan Gould Street Edit Unused Clips

These are some clips/bails that didn't make the cut for Ryan's edit that came out back in August.  Watching raw footage is always refreshing, it gives you a better sense of the process the rider goes through to land a trick.  Check out the full edit here if you haven't already-


  1. To be honest,I hate how he overly hyped this video with all these other videos having to do with this one, but It was good.

    1. You are stupid, the hype was worth it, have you not seen his edit? Its one of the best fuckin edits ever made. Not just the riding but the editing, it just makes you want to shred more than anything.

  2. I never said the video wasn't good, I'm just stating my opinion. I apologize if you got butthurt over my comment.


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