Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cory Vanlew at the Seattle Street Jam

Cory Vanlew did this for the best trick at the Seattle Street Jam, but apparently this wasn't good enough to win.  So gnarly though.  Sources tell me Dan Barrett won the best trick with a smith nose manny scooterfakie smith front bri.  Ryan Gould was the overall winner of the day.  As always, stayed tuned to IS for more footage of the jam once it drops.


  1. they had 3 tries to land the trick and cory did his 6th try i think

  2. so fucking gnarly. cory is the man

  3. this isnt even anything lol, i mean it would be sick for an edit but best trick? no way he didnt even trick in or trick out at least do one you... it was sick though

    1. your fucking kidding right? this thing is massive. and i bet that ledge he hopped onto was like bar height.

    2. You have no clue what you are talking about. Obviously you have never seen this spot in person.

    3. anonymous...please go die.

    4. It's waist high dude. Let's see you combo into that..

  4. Dude anonymous you my sir are a fucking retard. Go look at that thing in person and do it pussy you wont.


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