Friday, September 14, 2012

Billy Watts Recovery Edit (First 1260 Landed??)

MGP Aus's Billy Watts is on the road to recovery, and he clearly hasn't lost much since being out for a while. I don't know what it is about Billy's riding that makes him so fun to watch. He seems to have a more aggressive style, as opposed to a smooth/flowy style. Oh and that last clip, yeah its the only 1260 I've ever seen first? Correct me if I'm wrong..


  1. I just get bummed when i watch a talented scooterrider who ride for one of the biggest brands in the world filming flyout tricks and uses it as a banger..
    - Jonas Kjær

    1. Normally I'd agree, but its a goddamn 1260 lol. It's also to fakie, which makes it a little more acceptable flyout.

    2. Ok man I hate flyout as much as the next guy but that is a 1260! you cannot expect someone to do that out of a bank, and at least it wasn't to that cheating resi shit. And i think this is the first 1260 EVER in any extreme sport, well probably not rollerblades.

    3. Matt Hoffman, Dave Mirra and a few others have 1260d........

    4. Nate Grant, shit just got real.

  2. We see Boris the animal doing 540 double whips to fakie over jumpboxes, its not impossible to land fakie on those.

    - Jonas Kjær

  3. Does anyone realize how hard it would be to stay level during that trick? And how hard it would be not to keep spinning as you land and get blown off? Or stomp the brake. There is like 9 people doing 1080's in our sport and he just one upped all of them. That's sick If you ask me


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