Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BoardWarrior Welcomes Ron Sharp

I'm not really sure what BoardWarrior is but apparently they just gave Big Ron the hookup.  I'm amazed that he can still ride 4 inch Razor decks.  So raw.


  1. Shreds. But worst style in our sport, hands down.

    1. Thanks for your unsolicited criticism of Ron's style! Now that you've shown everyone what a moron you are, I guess it's time to get back to work on those double tail whips and then finish up that sponsor me video... ON THE RAILWAYS!

  2. How is Jordan Jasa still aloud to post stuff on IS. Im not hating on the video at all, fucking love Ron. But Jordan clearly hasnt taken anytime towards this post, the url is at the beginning of the video, and yet he says he's 'not sure what BoardWarrior is'. He also slags so many companies off, that pay him.

    1. Agree 100% feel like Steven should discuss things with him on how to help more at IS haha

    2. i agree 100% to man :I

    3. Probably because its my website and I can post whatever I want. I looked at the page that the video was embedded on and didn't learn squat about BoardWarrior, and to be honest I don't always put a lot of time into descriptions because really, does anyone care what I'm saying? Kids come on the site to watch videos, not to analyze my brief descriptions.

    4. Fuck Jordan and he know saying this

  3. he is great but mongo sucks

  4. I'm not trying to bitch, but I enjoy the write ups just as much as the video when they are good. I know this is your site Jordan, but it doesn't mean you can't put a little bit of effort into it. I feel like since it got big you started getting a bit lazy. Go back to post 2 years ago, every video had an interview or something, it was sick! Haha. Anyways, my 2 cents

    Back to big Ron, killing it off as always. Just busting out the car throwing first try lines.. Why not hahah. Keep up the swag big homie!

  5. Jordan catches so much heat but that's half the fun of IS haha long live STEVEN T -kt

  6. fav rider
    james gee

  7. Jordan yeah I do think some kids just come on here to look straight at the videos, but I'm sure there are people out there who value your opinion on stuff, and it's something that you should state when writing about videos. I'm not saying you should be 'pseudo-intellectual' and pretend you know about everything scooter-related, but the way you write may influence how people see your website. Giving an opinion or explanation of a video (or photos, anything) helps to 'reel' people in. I'm not trying to mess with your success but I do think taking more interest in/around things appearing on the website would be beneficial to Inside Scooters.

  8. switch front board on the mather 4 rail was clean... i love that skate park xD


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