Sunday, April 8, 2012

John Verhun Scooyork Promo

Word on the street is that Scooyork is picking up again. Not too sure on the details, or who is still riding and repping for Scooyork, but I do know that Greg recently added John to that list. So John got this promo done, and hopefully we will start to see some more from some of the OG riders from Scooyork. Check the edit below.


  1. what is this guys stance? i watched the video twice and i still dont know.

    1. i ride with him sime times, he can somehow ride switch and do any trick he knows both ways

  2. Made my day.

    By the way, I have a copy of the ScooYork logo in High-resolution - Would you like it?

    1. I'd love to get that Ben!

      email me at,

      Thanks bro.

  3. I was paying attention the whole time and he switched his stance every fuckin clip. Please pick a stance. Every nose manual was goofy, every finger whip was reg, grinds were goofy, and it looked at if he was better at reg whips. So i think hes reg at heart, just goes goofy for grinds and nose manuals.

  4. Who cares what his stance is I've known John for three years and haven't noticed that he has all different ones. What I have realized is that he progresses quickly and is consistent.
    - Chamoun

  5. John is one of my best friends he rides goofy and regular he does tailwhips, bris and anything in between that like a fingerwhip regular. Every thing else is basically goofy like nose many's and grinds so he can do regular tricks out like on the rail boardslide to whip .. went up on the rail goofy then landed regular after throwing the whip...
    George Weiss

  6. u like finger whips too much! but sick vid!the banger was crazy

  7. lol if he really think hes on Scooyork


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