Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ELYTS UK Tour Life Part 1

ELYTS recently finished up their UK Tour promoting the new products, and the upcoming "Stylites" DVD. ELYTS filmer Phil was couldn't make the trip, So someone else filmed all this and put it into the edit below. ELYTS riders featured are, Lewis Williams, BenJ Friant, and of course, Zig Short. Check it.


  1. my ninja phil wasnt there :(

  2. That aint my filming hahaha

  3. Not that the filming was bad. I just forgot my DLSR camera.

  4. I swear to god this video is a joke....

  5. Who cares if the filmer wasn't there, in my opinion this was the best Elytes "edit" I've seen, because I didn't feel like I was in a god damned Rave..... The commercial at the end was a bit much but still fresh. Props to Zig and Benj for throwing down hard. - Ostrom

  6. i loved this video but if Elyts is a shoe company then why are there riders rocking DC clothing, didn't zig make a big deal about how Elyts a "for us by us" scooter company. i guess money talks but still cant walk?


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