Friday, February 24, 2012

Skates.Co.Uk New MGP Completes Reviews

Skates.Co.Uk has finished up reviewing the other three brand new MGP Completes. The Ninja Headache, Nitro Extreme She Devil, and Nitro End of Days. They all look pretty cool, but I definitely think they still gotta improve on some things with the deck. Great reviews though by Ben at Skates.Co.UK.

Nitro End of Days

Nitro Extreme She Devil

Nitro Ninja Headache


  1. Wtf else could they possibly improve on the deck?

  2. Wtf else could they possibly improve on the deck?

  3. He said the ninja had squid grips? O_o I DONT WANT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET ANYMORE

  4. They could improve the deck with build in jetpacks


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