Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Otto Märkjärvi Welcome to Tilt Scooters

Otto Markjarvi of Finland is on the Tilt European team, and he kills it.  He was in the process of filming this Welcome to Tilt video but unfortunately his scooter got stolen before he could finish it.  Regardless he still managed to get some awesome clips, its awesome to see him be able to ride street versus the indoor footy we've  seen in his previous videos.


  1. Really clean riding loved it.

  2. different style than all the other videos, so sick

  3. he just got sponsored by a peg company, shouldnt his promo have some peg tricks?

  4. the 180 gap whip landing was super sketchy haha

  5. tilt is not only a peg company anymore

  6. Hell yes Otto! Your best video yet!

  7. Hehe you will see more sick ass edits as soon as Otto gets a new complete! ;) Awesome job homie!


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