Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dennis Podloujnyi Promo

Never once heard of this guy, have no idea where he lives but his riding is gnarly.  The music is a bit much but he seems to be a shredder.  Looking forward to the full part for sure.  Last clip was so crazy.


  1. Insane, need more.

  2. Last truck was beast! gap was big enough, let alone the hop over a curb to begin with!

  3. I guess the last gap was kinda big, if like 5 feet tall and 7 feet long is huge?

  4. i rode with kid a couple times recently in portland. shreds for sure.

  5. I know this kidd!

  6. dude i remember when this kid was only like 3 feet tall. keep up the shreddage haha

  7. bangers for days!
    keen to see a full part from this kid

  8. i saw this on facebook like 15 minutes before it was posted. good idea to put it on here.


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