Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blunt Scooters Europe Tour

Next week Blunt will be sending a few of their Aussie riders over to France, Switzerland and Spain.  Also attending will be the new European Blunt team, which is to be announced soon.  They'll be spending two weeks over there, and will be sure to throw down while they're there.  I'm rather jealous that I'm not there =/  If you can make it out to any of the stops, make sure you do so.  Its sure to be an awesome time.


  1. WHY NO UK :'(

  2. i see aaron missed out again?

  3. wonder which stop they wont show up at

  4. HI in biarritz is in the indoor??

  5. in biarritz you go to the indoor?

  6. was that picture taken at ocean beach in cali?


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