Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kyle Page Web Edit 2

A couple other riders mention someone from Australia who was really killing it.. I decided to check him out myself, and wow. This video speaks for itself really. Amazing stuff here.

If anyone has a contact or way to reach Kyle Page, let me know. I'd love to do an interview with him here on IS. Just post in the comments, or shoot me an email at

p.s. Yes there is a lot of Slo Mo...get over it.


  1. yeah i no biggest shredder um add his facebook ?

  2. Dude those shots with the wheels were so totally artsy and added a lot to the video. But the moving of the scooters away from the camera should have been ramped.

  3. kyle is a crazy rider
    and add him on facebook if you wan to talk to him

  4. 360 backflip fsf???? WHAT!!!!!

  5. Some of that 360 stuff over the spine was LUSH
    Frontside spinning <3
    Video kinda lost its momentum towards the end though, in my opinion :/

  6. Clouds in Australia look pretty fake hahaha

  7. Slow mo isnt bad in videos but it is if you use it for every clip. Those wheel shots and scooter shots were dumb. They definitely havent been to inside view ;).

  8. Love this guys riding, front side park riders always kill it.

  9. flair downsidee whip!world first?the bangers would be more bangerlike if ya didnt use slow motion ALL the time.: ) respect though.

  10. i luv IS,

    sorry but that's actually how KC Corning learned to do flair whips, they were Flair downside whips. Which were done a longg time ago. Little bit of history for ya haha

  11. i wanna c a backflip 360 downside from this kid

  12. Kyle Page...

    Nuff said.

  13. yuck fucking putrid aussie riding, sums it up right fucking there. shits me sideways watch manzie or aaron for fuck sake this annoys me.

  14. This kid is seriously pushing it.

  15. Wayy too sick, catches most of his tricks makes em look way better

  16. those must be the sickest looking whip catches ive ever seen.

  17. to that anon dissing, i'll bet my left nut you woulden't say that if you could do some of those tricks

  18. u shred u should come 2 mandurah skato

  19. This kid is apsolutly shredding it.
    Really pushing park, That 360 inward to whip over the spine was ridiculous.

  20. i filmed more than half this shit and i cant believe half the shit he does.

    btw hes sponsored by team phoenix australia :)


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