Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Inside View.

If you checked Inside recently, you may have seen a post about a new feature we will be offering.  A feature that we hope you all will be able to use to learn and help others.  The idea was first brought to me by Phoenix Pro rider and employee Chris Gascoigne.  So, with him and I working together, Inside View was born.  What is Inside View you ask?  Take it from Chris himself-

"Inside View is a project taken on by myself with the help of the guys at Inside Scooters. Our Mission plan is simple, To create a board where young aspiring film makers and photographers can come and ask questions to help improve the quality and image of their work. Inside Scooters and myself spent a while creating this board and hope it is of great help to the users, So I do hope people make accounts and use them."

A small number of noted individuals have already been invited onto the forum to get some content rolling before the public unveiling tonight. Some of the best filmers, photographers, graphic designers and editors of the sport are already a part of the IV community. IV is just one of many new features that IS will be offering in the keep checking back on Inside for more. 

Once again, in cased you missed is the link for Inside View.


  1. Not gonna be able to hand w/ SR...

  2. It's not like SR, it's more photography/videography related. I love the idea, and I'm sure it'll work out fantastically. It seems great so far.

    - Joe Riley

  3. get nick darger and nickeh on this

  4. scooterperception;]


    IS should see this..

  6. To the anonymous who said scooterperception I completely agree haha. I was going to post that this is exactly like skateperception and it's a great idea.

  7. Nickeh really doesnt need to be on this. Enough people try and emulate the way he films and it's getting boring as almighty fuck.

  8. ^ He's not that amazing either, no offense. Not bad at all, but revolutionary.

  9. I think that Nickeh is not the best filmer, he do good edits, but he also have a good material and good riders to ride. I think that the world doesn't end with nickeh, there are a lot of good filmers over there.

  10. Its not giving me the email to confirm my account.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!