Friday, December 24, 2010

Jordie Robinson Newmarket Skatepark Session

Jordie doin it big for QCS and Canada. Jordie can usually be found riding street or his local outdoor park but with winter in Canada being so harsh, he is forced to ride indoors. But don't let that fool you, his street style still comes out in this video. First and last clips are such bangers. Song is a bummer though.


  1. Wall Tap to back lip lineeee!! <3

  2. Yeaaa reppin the north

  3. that is what we need to see more of in scootering. Well filmed and he absolutely shredded that park!

  4. wall plant to back lip was gnarlyyyy

  5. Jordie is insane. The double peg to whip was so nice, as well as the last clip.

  6. quite possibly the worst song choice

  7. I liked this kids riding alot, sick rider with great abilities on those pegs, the grinds were nuts. A little everything in there. better than backwards bar johnny. Thumbs up Jordi!

  8. Jordan i remeber the post you put up about how to get your vid on inside, if you dont like the song, why are you putting it up? But that a manly vid anyways.

  9. I believe the song fit the video perfectly.
    Anyway, I loved the video. He makes all the easiest tricks look so damn smooth! No wonder they call him the butter maker. Keep shredding bro!

  10. this crazy canuck is a shredder, eh?

  11. the song was ewww
    but his back lip tight! and the wall plant was like double the size of the ramp!

    keep shreddin broo

  12. reel nice.if theres one thing i love,its air tricks.scoot on mayaaan

  13. the song went with the video and it was fine. it was better than a lot of the other songs used in scooter videos where the guys sing like girls. I'm not saying they're all bad, but it gets repetitive. It's nice to here something different even if the rapper is terrible. it's better than soldier boy hahah anyway, if you don't like the song than watch the video on mute. I like this his style and that wall plant was sick.


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