Sunday, August 15, 2010

Razor Exposed Tour News and Updates

The Razor Exposed Tour Stop #2 is right around the corner! The competition will be at the Battleground Skatepark in Washington on August 28th. For more details see the flyer below.

If you are planning to compete on August 28th you NEED to have a signed waiver. You can find that here, and while you are at this website, you can Pre-Register. Which means at the day of the competition, you will already be registered...and just need to bring your signed waiver. Click the link below to get to the website.

Also in a recent post the coordinators of the Razor Exposed Tour were looking for ambassadors to help promote the final two stops of the Tour. If you are interested in becoming an ambassador for the Razor Exposed Tour. Please copy the below text onto a blank document and fill out this application and send it to the email at the bottom.

Ambassador Application

NAME_______________________________________________ Age__________


CITY_____________________________________ ST_______ ZIP____________

Home Phone____________________________ Cell_________________________

Shirt Size_______________

Where would you post flyers? ______________________________________________


What skate parks can you visit to pass out flyers? (name, location and city)




Why do you feel you would make a good ambassador for the Razor Exposed Tour? _______________________________________________________________________



I am willing to (please initial)
___Promote the Razor Exposed Tour
___Pass out flyers to local riders at skate parks
___Post flyers at local retail shops
___Assist the day of the comp
___Report my progress

Applicant signature____________________________________________________

Parent signature_______________________________________________________

Parent Name__________________________________________________________
Fax or Email back this application. (fax 951-246-2752 or email


  1. I kinda wanna try out for an ambassador

  2. ummm i need to know if its the 27th or 28th, kinda important.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!