Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ryan Upchurch District Summer Promo

Ryan....Ryan.....Ryan....... I don't even know what to say about some of the clips in here. Keep in mind, Ryan doesn't even consider himself a Peg rider. So here is his Summer Promo, some of the clips he claims are just throw away. And this is really just to get people to anticipate his big summer video that is coming out in the near future. Sit back and enjoy.


  1. flair quad and icepick barspin late whip out ..

  2. very nice :) love these decks the feel is sooooo good!!!!!! <3

    that flair was gnarly

  3. this kid alwaysss fucking kills it. and yes believe it or not compared to what you're going to see in his summer video the clip at 1:42 was just throwaway this kid threw something insaneeeee up that euro. you're all going to shit yourselves

  4. ugh now i wanna know what else he did on the step up

  5. you dont even wanna know ;)
    haha thanks everyone and you'll all see when the whole summer edit comes out.

  6. NIck Darger

    if you didnt ride the bank at 0:55 to flat im going to cry :(

    good stuff. nice lucky bar whip in manggg

  7. lol nick, i did :)

  8. if he rides pegs then he is in fact a PEG rider, Herp Derp!

  9. lol wtf not a peg rider bullshit

  10. That's my bestfriend doggggg


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