Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sean Cardwell - Sky High Edit.

This guy has to have one of the smoothest, flowiest styles in the sport.
Everything he does seems to be smooth, dialled and clean as hell.
That last clip was plain stupid, really.

Check out all Sky High's products by clicking their logo in the right hand column of the blog.


  1. I had no idea Sean was THIS much of an all around killer. That video seriously delivered.

  2. man i freaking love his style! such a sick video

  3. Sean is so fun to ride with he always throwsdown by far in the top 3 riders in az

  4. This video doesn't even begin to touch how amazing sean is. He would need a full dvd for anyone to start to comprehend it.

  5. I love this video so much.
    Everything is fast, boosted, tweaked/clicked and really clean. My favourite kind of riding <3 <3

  6. I feel like I'm on cocaine when I watch this. Can we get an unedited version?

    I used to go to high school with this kid.


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